Enhancing understanding of social norms

Due to advancements of technology in regards to travel and immigration, local communities are now melting pots of people from various backgrounds with multitudes to offer. They take part in different daily practices, are accustomed to different social norms, celebrate assorted religious holidays, enjoy various types of dishes, and may be following different kinds of calendar systems. A better understanding of these complex cultural practices will allows for local communities to break down barriers and integrate respectfully, transforming them into diverse communities. Cultural awareness teaches us how to embrace and appreciate others, allowing us to become a vibrant community.

As part of this focus area, I intend to share my learnings/observations on social norms, food and dietary habits, social festivals practiced in different cultures and the various different calendars being followed. I am also organizing experiential projects so that local communities can experience different cultural practices in addition to reading about them.

Through this, I intend to broaden the horizons in my local community and provide exposure to global cultures.